Providing quality theatre education and hands-on learning experiences to develop personal confidence and nurture the artist within

Donors Page
Our program relies solely on fundraising, ticket sales and donations to be able to offer quality hands-on theatre training and education to more than 300 students each year. We hope you'll consider investing in the powerful impact theatre can have on peoples' lives.
Big thanks go out to the following people for their generosity this school year.
Levels of Giving
Director's Circle
Donations of $1,000 or more
Proud Pirate
Donations of $100 - $249
Designer's Circle
Donations of $500 - $999
Friend of the Arts
Donations of $25-$99
Spotlight Donor
Donations of $250-$499
Donations of $1-$24
2023-2024 List of Donors
The Microsoft Company
DESIGNER’S CIRCLE ($500 - $999)
Son Dong Vuong
Claudia Morales
Laura May Long
SPOTLIGHT DONOR ($250 - $499)
Marcella Ordaz
Brittany Hoganson
Chung Chieh Chu
Leila McGowan
Ling Yen Chen
Kasey Conner
Gloria Perez
PROUD PIRATE ($100 - $249)
Rosemary Kuhn
Matt Trask
Gonzalez-Flores Family
Steve Nguyen
Curt Matsushima
Andre Nguyen
Kellie Chun
Wan Chieh Lu
Raelene De Santiago
Andrew Guan
Theresa Pereira
Maria Biva Allbright
Kimberly Jones
Stacy M. Schaubmayer
Kimberli Barker
Melissa Osborne
Yu qi Gao
Jose De Jesus Serran Valdivia
Gary Walter
Judith Barker
Richard Gallardo Jr.
Jennifer M. Tapia
Blondina Figueroa
Victoria M. Revheim
Teresa Carrillo
Brian Allbright
Joseph R. Boudreau
Zhong Wang
Celisse Soto
Patrice Sera
Nancy Khong
Marco F. Arrigoni
Daneen Barker
Monica Aguilar
Yingchia Liu
Cheung M. Yung
Bonnie Downs
Lucille Piczon
Lucy M. Amato
Robert Daigneault
Neenos Hanna
Anna Amato
Felicia Cannon
Brian Martinez
Teresita M. Balmonte
Laura Gutierrez
John Gutierrez
Joan Aquino
Jose Garvey
Tien Pham
Ana Aguilar
Lily Filomeba
Teresa Carrillo
Ashley Katena
Geetha Krishnamurthy
Teresita Balmonte
Blanca Berrera
Julia Emery
Amy Rodrigues
Heidi Dennis
Gary Fessenmeyer
Maria Barbosa
Chung Ta Cheng
Tin Duc Pham
Harrison Lok
Eleanor Perez
Irma Zapien
Michelle Wang
Graciela Perlin
Jamie Perron
Jared Lam-Benigno
Sean Luong
Dale Evenson
Rosemarie Lulu
Donna Enea
Kevin Ibana
Antares Tran
Huong Le
Caren Foster
Leslie Chua
Valerie Thomas
Dorienne Faust
Edwin Madrinan
Michael Nguyen
Laura Gutierrez
John Gutierrez
Joan Aquino
Jose Garvey
Tien Pham
Ana Aguilar
Lily Filomeba
Teresa Carrillo
Ashley Katena
Geetha Krishnamurthy
Teresita Balmonte
Blanca Berrera
Julia Emery
Amy Rodrigues
Heidi Dennis
Gary Fessenmeyer
Maria Barbosa
Chung Ta Cheng
Tin Duc Pham
Harrison Lok
Eleanor Perez
Irma Zapien